Siamese cats are one of the oldest domesticated breeds in the world. They are one of the first recognized breeds of Asian cats, one of several varieties of cats native to China and brought to Thailand. Siamese cats are one of the most popular breeds, especially in North America and Europe.
Siamese cats can be identified by their almond-shaped eyes, triangular head shape and large ears. They have a slender, elongated and muscular body and a variety of forms of point colouration. For several centuries, a large amount of Siamese cats had crossed eyes and crooked, kinked tails, although there are several Siamese cats with crossed eyes and crooked kinked tails today, it is not as common as it was centuries ago. The gene that caused the crossed eyes and crooked tail has been bred out of the Siamese cats over the centuries.
Siamese cats tend to be affectionate, intelligent, social and playful well into their adulthood. Siamese cats often seek human interaction and enjoy a good game of fetch, as well as liking companionship from other cats.
Siamese cats’ coat colour is determined by their genetics as well as the temperature of their surroundings. Most often, Siamese cats are born white and then develop their markings in the following weeks of their life. There are several variations of colourations in Siamese cats. The following are some of the colorations; Seal point Siamese (extremely dark brown, almost black), Chocolate point Siamese (lighter brown), Lilac point Siamese (pale warm grey), Bluepoint Siamese (cool grey).
Siamese is generally affectionate and intelligent, often known for their social nature. Most Siamese cats enjoy being around people, often bonding strongly with a single person. Siamese can be very vocal with a very loud, low-pitched voice; they are often persistent in demanding attention. Siamese cats will often vocalize all of their opinions on their food, what they may observe out the window and, in general, anything that they encounter throughout the day and night. Siamese cats are often very active and playful well into their adult years and are sometimes described as having dog-like behaviours.
There are several breeds of cats that have been derived from the Siamese cat. The following are a few of those breeds;
Balinese, Bengal Cat, Burmese, Havana Brown, Colorpoint shorthair, Himalayan, Javanese, Ocicat, Oriental Shorthair, Oriental longhair, Savannah, Snowshoe, Thai Cat, Tonkinese, and Mekong Bobtail (Thai Bobtail).
Siamese cats are perfect for a family with children, a family that can keep them active all day long as they may get bored and destructive if they do not get enough interaction throughout the day. Keep in mind as well if you are looking at adopting a Siamese cat, they love to talk.
If you are looking to adopt a Siamese cat, do your research into breeders or a shelter that you know and trust. Often, a certified breeder is your best bet, as you know that the animal has been treated properly and raised in a clean, healthy environment.
Written by Shannon Knox, Practice Manager